Answer: Conformity
Explanation: Conformity is the process of causing behaviors, principles, and attitudes to correspond to the collective description of acceptable organization manner of behaving in a particular way and situation, as well as the way people perceive specific organization conduct, activities associated with the governance of a nation or having the same viewpoint. Individuals prefer to conform to the community instead of chasing their own personal desires as it is always easier to pursue the way other individuals have prepared already, instead of establishing a new way.
Judaism is one o major religion that can only followed by people with Jewish Ancestry. Unlike most other religion, people can't just follow Judaism based on personal faith.
Those without Jewish ancestry technically can still adopt Judaism as their religion. But, they will have to undergone a process called Denomination in which another Jewish will sponsor that person and transition him/her into a community. But not all Jewish community acknowledge the viability of this process
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Learned Helplessness Theory?
Money laundering in Pakistan is a pervasive problem. Financial crimes related to narcotics trafficking, terrorism, smuggling, tax evasion, and corruption remain a significant problem in Pakistan. The proceeds of narcotics trafficking and funding for terrorist activities are often laundered by means of the alternative remittance system called hawala. This system is also widely used by the Pakistani people for legitimate purposes.
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has in the past issued detailed AML/CFT regulations, as well as guidelines on a risk-based approach in 2012. The SBP is the regulator for AML controls for banking and related services while the Securities and Exchange Commission (SECP) is the regulator for all other entities. Other regulatory authorities include the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the Anti Narcotics Force (ANF), the Federal Investigative Agency (FIA), and the Customs Authorities oversee Pakistan’s AML law enforcement efforts.