His mission was to complete an agreement with the Japanese Government for the protection of shipwrecked or stranded Americans and to open one or more ports for supplies and refueling. ... As a result, Perry's treaty provided an opening that would allow future American contact and trade with Japan.
The draft proposal Bill of Rights that was proposed by James Madison was said to be similar to Virginia Declaration of Rights which was also said to based some of its parts from Declarations of Rights of Pennsylvania and Maryland. He argued to Congress that State Rights are not sufficient to support the Bill of Rights and that the government must include it in the Constitution to provide security in all States.
A range of cultural, religious, and racial ideologies were used to justify imperialism, including Social Darwinism, nationalism, the concept of the civilizing mission, and the desire to religiously convert indigenous populations.
State law, not federal, regulates most aspects of the elections, including primaries, the eligibility of voters (beyond the basic constitutional definition), the running of each state's electoral college, and the running of state and local elections. The United States Constitution defines (to a basic extent) how the elections of federal officials are conducted in each state, in Article One and Article Two and various amendments.