Montesquieu was a French lawyer, man of letters, and one of the most influential political philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. His political theory work, particularly the idea of separation of powers, shaped the modern democratic government.
He set sail a total of 7 voyages. Specifically on the 3rd voyage he set out with 48 ships and 30,000 men which displayed China’s power for everyone else to see. This display revived the Chinese Tribute system.
Uprisings against a new economic structure imposed by the Industrial Revolution gave rise to the insult "luddite."
In the Soviet Union, The Great Depression helped Stalins iron grip on power.
The United States Created Economic Plans such as FDR's New Deal Programs and publics works projects to respond to the economic hardship spreading around the Country.
The Weimar Government (German Government Post-WW1) Could not muster an effective response really. The response was large government spending and inflation on a Massive scale.