Several hundred or more lines. There can often be thousands or tens of thousands.
Self control
Self control is the ability to be tolerant and patient...Holding on to habits that shouldn't be seen by the public... knowing when to and when not to do something
The answer is prowess in battle it is known as bravery and a skill or expertise in a particular activity or field
The visit to the National Science Exhibition was a really rewarding experience. Since I was a kid I have been always attracted to science, specifically chemistry, because I have always had a lot of questions about how everything is composed. In the Exhibition I could see many experiments which show in an easy way how to understand chemistry in a simple way, for example I learnt how to turn on a lightbulb with copper and a potatoe.
This event opened my mind and now I am sure I want to be a scientist.
The correct answer would be D) suggest that soldiers are followers, not leaders
This is the correct answer because in the question and passage, Goines is discussing the members of the Army, which he is not one. So the first and second options are unacceptable. And mocking the way the Army enlists is not really optional either, because it is not directed towards that specific group