The first one : between New York and Brooklyn a bridge is needed to connect so drivers can cross the bridge. The Brooklyn bridge took 14 years to build because it’s a long bridge. The opening was in May 1883. The Brooklyn bridge is the longest suspension in the world and it’s 1,595 feet.
Second one: In real life, Pirates had a hard life. The life of being a pirate, it’s very dangerous and hard working to do. If any pirates were ever found lying, stealing, fighting got a harsh punishment. And the captian decides what ships to attack.
The third one: the driest and hottest spot in North America is Death Valley. The type of animals that live there is a lot of plants, birds, and mammals. However, Coyotes, bobcats, and lizards can be found there as well as black widow spiders and scorpions.
Hope this helps , pls make me brainliest :)
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7 j
2 b
3 k
4 d
9 c
8 a
1 e
5 f
6 g
Well anorexic is not exactly an endearing quality. If Helen is svelte, she would hardly like to be called anorexic. The former means that she is exotic in a very attractive manner as well as being athletically thin. That's a real compliment. Anorexic is a disease caused by undereating.
He should be sensitive to how she things about language and how careful she is. D might be a factor.
She would hardly care how anorexic originated. It's not something she likely wants to be associated with.
If the word has a hidden meaning form denotation, then it is something to consider carefully. Skinny is an example. Scrawny is even worse. Helen would not like to be called either of those. They have a disagreeable meaning associated with them.
I'm not sure what the proper interpretation of thematic form of a word is. I know what a theme is, and it does not sound very romantic, unless he's going to go on forever about her thinness which is not very smart.
I would choose B. Don't use words that have hidden meanings or obvious connotations.