<h2>GFR </h2>
A decrease in GFR will cause lower Na and Cl ion concentration in the distal tubule
- GFR stands for Glomerular Filtration Rate
- The rate at which kidneys filter blood is called the glomerular filtration rate
- The main driving force for the filtering process, or outward pressure is the blood pressure as it enters the glomerulus which is counteracted to some extent by inward pressure due to the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid within the urinary space, and the pressure generated by the proteins left in the capillaries that tend to pull water back into the circulatory system (colloidal osmotic pressure)
- The net filtration pressure is the outward pressure minus the inward pressure
Eukaryotes are found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists
The term "photoperiodism" was coined to describe a plant's ability to flower in response to changes in the photoperiod: the relative lengths of day and night. Because flowers produce seeds, flowering is crucially important for the plant to complete its life cycle.
I don’t understand what u say
Aerobic metabolism is the most efficient way of producing ATP; it produces significantly more ATP for each molecule of glucose than anaerobic metabolism. Although the primary source of ATP in aerobic metabolism is carbohydrates, fatty acids and protein can also be used as fuel to generate ATP.