this is rose plant . it's easy . what doubt you have in this question?
the rose is pink in color. it has green leaves with spikes. generally people give red roses on 14 feb because that day was valentine's day.
It is called as conservation biology. Conservation biology
aims to protect species, their habitats and the ecosystem from extinction. It is
one field of ecology that focuses on the environmental problems caused by
humans. It aims to reverse and understand the cause of loss of biodiversity.
The laboratories have initiated Phase 1 clinical trials for the use of human pluripotent embryonic stem cells to treat paralyzed patients following spinal cord injury. The first step is to estimate the risks and tolerance of cell transplantation in a man. The fate of stem cells (multipotent or pluripotent) in the body is still poorly understood, and it is not excluded that uncontrolled cell multiplications occur, leading to the appearance of teratomas (tumor developed from pluripotent cells).
Advantages are:
* The safety of the cells also seems to be proven (in short term)
* Rats transplanted seven days after the injury had benefited from reactivation of myelinization of neurons by oligodendrocytes, attenuation of motor neuron loss and improvement of limb motor function.
The disadvantages are:
* Constraints of the ethical and religious order, it is necessary the consent and the approval of the donor and the recipient for the transplant to take place.
* The development of the technique is still new, there is a chance that side effects of the transplant appear years after the operation.
The main arctic animals which will be affected by climate change are polar bears, seal, seabirds, and walrus.
Polar bears: Sea-ice cover at summer may be completely loss and this inhibits polar bears traveling from region to another to give birth — making the survival of mothers and cubs to be vulnerable.
Seal: Seal species are living mainly on ice and with the climate changing, ice cover also reduces — creating a not so comfortable environment for seal. They use sea ice as a feeding ground, birth place and a place where for raising their young, as well as for resting.
Seabirds (auks and gulls): They eat fishes and scavenge on top of sea ice, so when sea ice reduces so as their source of food and population.
Walrus: Uses sea ice as a feeding ground and source of food is on the sea floor while using sea ice as a diving platform. So any loss of sea ice cover, also affects their way of feeding and eventually, their population.
Overall, melting of ice affects salinity and temperature of surface waters, thereby affecting other marine life.
Well, they could be scavengers or it could be bacteria and fungi.