limiting factors
The ecological optimum represents the value of the factors within the ecological valence at which the life processes of a species take place best. The upper and lower limits of an ecological valence are its maximum and minimum. Beyond these limits, physiological processes are interrupted and death occurs.
Complete question:
The endplate potential (EPP) at the frog neuromuscular junction occurs because ACh simultaneously increases the conductance of the postsynaptic membrane to Na and K
The Acetylcholine neurotransmitter is released from the presynaptic cell by the process of exocytosis.
Once the molecule is in the intercellular space, it moves forward the postsynaptic membrane to join its receptor in the motor plate.
Once the joining has occurred, the receptor acquires a channel shape allowing the ion transference that will make possible the modification of the action potential. Ions traffic will consist of the pass of sodium and calcium to the interior of the cell and potassium to the exterior. Quantitatively, the interchange Na-K is the most significant.
K+ follows a concentration gradient, while Na+ follows an electrochemical gradient. The interchange results in an increase of positive charges in the interior of the muscular cell.
Whenever there is a sufficient number of Acetylcholine receptors are active, the depolarization threshold of the motor endplate is exceeded. This activates an action potential that extends to the rest of the muscle membrane.
See the answer below
Person X is feeling a burning sensation in several muscles<u> because of the accumulation of lactic acid due to inadequate oxygen in their system.</u> When oxygen becomes inadequate during exercises, anaerobic respiration takes place to augment the oxygen shortage and this leads to the production of lactic acid which accumulates up in the muscles and gives a burning sensation.

Person Y does not feel any burning sensation in their muscles <u>because oxygen is adequate in their system and they do not need to respire anaerobically.</u> <em>Person X exercise regime must have been more rigorous than that of person Y.</em>