The French probably felt more affection for William of Normandy than the people of England given that he conquered England. He may have also sparked resentment from the English because his rule led to a number of wars within their country.
I may assert th' Eternal Providence, and justifie the wayes of God to men.
A. Distinctive has a positive connotation because connotation is the emotional feeling of a word and distinctive is like special which is good.
1: A. deer's
2: B. king's
3. A. books'
4. B. turtle's
For 1., we're looking for more than one deer. Since two deer left tracks, it is plural. Add the plural possessive form 's. (deer's) (You can't say "deers" even if there are more than one, the proper way is "deer". That's why the apostrophe is before the s.)
For 2., we're looking the crown of only one king, so it is singular. Add 's (king's).
For 3., we're talking about multiple books, so you add the plural possessive form s' (books').
For 4., there is one turtle, so it is singular. Add 's (turtle's).
I hope this helped! :-)