King Andrew the First is a famous American political cartoon created by an unknown artist around 1832. The cartoon depicts Andrew Jackson, the 7th United States president, as a monarch holding a veto bill and trampling on the Constitution and on internal improvements of the national bank.
Answer: The regular methods of voting in such bodies are a voice vote, a rising vote, and a show of hands. Additional forms of voting include a recorded vote and balloting. The assembly could decide on the voting method by adopting a motion on it. Different legislatures may have their voting methods.
British believed that most Southerners were Loyalists and that if they gained territory in the South, the Southern Loyalists would hold it for them. Believed that large number of Southern slaves would join them in return for promise of freedom.
2.The residents vote in local elections on the islands. The islands are located in the Caribbean Sea. 6.The residents are born citizens of the United States. And, 7.The residents elect a nonvoting delegate to Congress.
also 2, 4, 6, and 7.