See explaination
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Fill in the code to define payfile as an input file
ifstream payfile;
float gross;
float net;
float hours;
float payRate;
float stateTax;
float fedTax;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint;
// Fill in the code to open payfile and attach it to the physical file
// named payroll.dat"payroll.dat");
// Fill in code to write a conditional statement to check if payfile
// does not exist.
cout << "Error opening file. \n";
cout << "It may not exist where indicated" << endl;
return 1;
ofstream outfile("pay.out");
cout << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
outfile << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
// Fill in code to prime the read for the payfile file.
payfile >> hours;
// Fill in code to write a loop condition to run while payfile has more
// data to process.
payfile >> payRate >> stateTax >> fedTax;
gross = payRate * hours;
net = gross - (gross * stateTax) - (gross * fedTax);
cout << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
outfile << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
payfile >> hours ;// Fill in the code to finish this with the appropriate
// variable to be input
return 0;
This is very true unity is what u said and it is the definition of this
Task manager
Allows you to force quit applications.
The smallest colorable area on a display would be a pixel