Linus ss
The ss (socket statistics) command provides a lot of information by displaying details on socket activity. One way to get started, although this may be a bit overwhelming, is to use the ss -h (help) command to get a listing of the command's numerous options. Another is to try some of the more useful commands and get an idea what each of them can tell you.
One very useful command is the ss -s command. This command will show you some overall stats by transport type. In this output, we see stats for RAW, UDP, TCP, INET and FRAG sockets.
B. Graphs
Graphs are used to put certain things into categories. In this case Jamie has to enter different categories such as names, grades and the scored of the students. C and D don't make sense for this problem since they aren't actually what he is looking for. A is plausible but he needs it into a worksheet and labels aren't worksheets they are just labels. So B would be your answer. Also I took the quiz this is the correct answer.
If L(D1) = L(D2), the D has every state being final
If L(D1) = L¯(D2), the D has every state being final
If L(D1) = ∅, then L(D) = L(D2).
If L(D1)=Σ, L(D) = L(D2)
D) use SQL or graphical tools to query the database
To query the database using SQL or graphical tools will help Howie to retrieve bulk of records from the database according to his requirements and it will help to understand and work with the data in a better way than using the data in raw form.
SQL is a language of database used to manipulate and manage the data in the relational database and to query the database.
It is an easy and faster way to query using SQL or graphical tools because no coding is required here.
Different graphical tools are used to present the data in the database in a way that can be easily understood by a person. Different interfaces are provided to visualize the database tables or schema diagrammatically e.g in the form of graphs etc. Different views of the database can be provided to different users according to their requirement and what information they required to be presented.