Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. The missing section reads;
<em>"(6) Back along the cliffside, after some careful scrutiny, I've identified the female falcon as B/6. She has returned to her cliff nest with her prey held tightly in her talons. There appear to be young in the nest—a successful natural mating here on the rock face! This is what makes all our hard work worthwhile. The Peregrine Falcons are staging a real comeback!"</em>
<u>B) The narrator is sure that the Peregrine falcon will remain off the endangered species list.</u>
We could notice the positive comment made by the narrator, William Princeton which says, "...<em>This is what makes all our hard work worthwhile. The Peregrine Falcons are staging a real comeback!"</em>
This comment by the narrator shows his strong conviction that the Peregrine falcon <em>will remain off the endangered species list.</em>