Well, their are easier ways to go about it.
Transcribe means: (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form.
iggy is trying to tell max that he is in danger
Answer: b.) Women filled the pages of poetry but earned little attention in history books.
Woolf was one of the most significant figures in early feminism. One of the reasons why this was the case was that Woolf noticed the secondary place that women had in society, and in particular, in writing. She argued that women were only recognized in areas that were considered "feminine," such as poetry. However, their contributions were unrecognized or altogether forgotten in other areas, such as when writing history books.
The reasons why marks and grades don't reflect a student intelligence's is that they might not be good in academic subjects like mathematics, english, biology and etc but they might be really smart in coding, gaming and other non-academic stuff but it's important in reality. Others might be suffering a condition which doesn't allow them to do well, but if they weren't suffering from the condition in the first place, they would be smarter than an average person.
there is too much pressure on young people sadly