No, CREs usually don't account for differences in gene expression levels.
<em>Cis</em>-regulatory elements (CREs) are non-coding DNA regions that regulate adjacent gene <em>transcription</em>. They usually do it by binding to transcription factors. They are in charge of influencing the rate of which transcription occurs, and less with how much a gene is expressed. On the other hand, trans-regulatory elements are DNA sequences that encode for upstream regulators that can modify or regulate <em>gene expression levels</em>.
Therefore, cis elements are not really in charge of expression levels, mostly transcription rates of single genes, rather. Trans elements are more involved in expression levels.
As with sea horses, sea dragon males are responsible for childbearing. But instead of a pouch, like sea horses have, male sea dragons have a spongy brood patch on the underside of the tail where females deposit their bright-pink eggs during mating.
Adenina (30%), citosina (15%), guanina (15%) o timina (40%)
El 30% de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la adenina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales corresponde a la citosina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales toma la guanina y el 40% restante de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la timina. Entonces, al combinar todos estos porcentajes, obtenemos el 100 por ciento del volumen del ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN).
Because gravity pulls towards the center of the earth evenly in all directions, giving earth a spherical shape.