One form of resistance was slowing down the picking of cotton. Slaves would intentionally go slower so that they could have an easier time in the fields. This was combatted by the Southern Plantation owners after a while by whipping the slaves severely during their first picks and then mandating that they had to pick at least as much cotton every time after.
Another form of resistance was to run away. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves escape to the north and to freedom.
Slaves provided much of the labor on plantations that grew cash crops.
Plantations were the main economic activity in the American South during the antebellum period. These plantations cultivated cotton, tobacco, sugar, indigo, and rice. The warm climate, plentiful rainfall and fertile soil meant that the plantations were able to flourish. However, they were labour-intensive, and most workers were African slaves. Planters held dozens, or sometimes hundreds, of slaves, making slave labor very important to the economy of the Southern colonies.
African Americans women because even in today's society, white people are "better than" different races. And woman don't get payed as much as men do in many jobs. When a white person is "above" an African American, this is considered white privilege. It makes me mad to think about it...
One feature setting the southern colonies from the middle colonies was that the southern colonies had many enslaved workers.
The slavery in the colonies was mostly practiced in the South. These southerners needed cheap labor because their soils were very fertile.
These people in the South had large farm plantations that they used the slaves to work on. The slaves were used to work on rice, cotton, tobacco, and corn fields.