Deists living during the European enlightenment believed that humans can only know god through the observance of the natural world and reason, not through miracles or revelations.
The correct answer is A.
The bottom map provides data that shows that prescribed fires would actually reduce the carbon dioxide, as opposed to wild fires, which would produce it in large quantities.
Therefore, these maps could be used as evidence to support the idea that prescribed fires are benefitial for the environment, rather than harmful.
The answer is B because there is no verb present so it is a fragment.
Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.
Given the novel’s title, it is no surprise that courage—defining it, desiring it, and, ultimately, achieving it—is the most salient element of the narrative. As the novel opens, Henry’s understanding of courage is traditional and romantic. He assumes that, like a war hero of ancient Greece, he will return from battle either with his shield or on it. Henry’s understanding of courage has more to do with the praise of his peers than any internal measure of his bravery. Within the novel’s first chapter, Henry recalls his mother’s advice, which runs counter to his own notions. She cares little whether Henry earns himself a praiseworthy name; instead, she instructs him to meet his responsibilities honestly and squarely, even if it means sacrificing his own life.
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