Wegener's first line of evidence that the continents once formed a single landmass was the shape of the continents themselves
By ignoring the changeable coastlines and focusing instead on the continental shelves, Wegener showed that Africa and South America could fit together nearly seamlessly. In addition, the landscape of South Africa's Great Karoo is very similar to the Santa Catarina formation in Brazil. Wegener argued that they were once a single contiguous feature
Si vous venez à Paris, me __rendrez-vous ________visite ?
Tu aimes aller au cinema transates to "Do you like to go the movies"
the respone would be "Oui, J'aime aller au cinema"
At 10:00pm we choose to watch the news.
A(à) 22 heures nous choisissons de regarder les informations (or : les nouvelles)
At 11:00 we go to bed.
A (à) 23 heures nous allons au lit.