Mount Paricutin is a cinder cone volcano. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. Mount Paricutin was discovered in Mexico in the year 1943. It is not a high volcano as it is made of ash. This kind of volcano creates less destruction for the people living near its vicinity.
<u>B. Schooling/Education</u>
ownership of property
education of inhabitants
implementation of welfare and other benefits programs and distribution of aid
protecting people from local threats
maintaining a justice system
setting up local governments such as counties and municipalities
maintaining state highways and setting up the means of administrating local roads
regulation of industry
raising funds to support their activities
La respuesta correcta es - D. Los ecuatorianos que hablan quechua tienen la mayor influencia política.
Esta afirmación no es cierta sobre Ecuador. La gente en Ecuador habla predominantemente español, y aunque el quechua también es un idioma oficial, no es tan dominante como el español. La comunicación formal en el país, incluidos los círculos políticos también, se realiza en idioma español, y aunque hay muchos políticos que hablan quechua, el idioma en sí no está determinando ningún estatus superior o mayor influencia política de ningún tipo.Explanation:
Hanford was chosen as the site where they would make plutonium, a deadly byproduct of the nuclear reaction process and main ingredient of the atomic bomb. Just 13 months later, Hanford’s first reactor went online.