Going green has several other benefits for companies. These include tax credits and incentives, improved efficiency, healthier workplaces, and cost savings – for instance by printing less, turning lights off in unused rooms and refilling ink cartridges. Reusing items also reduces waste from plastic packaging.
Following are statement is given below
int k=1,total=0; // variable declaration
while(k<50) // iterating the while loop
total=total+k*k;// calculating the square
k=k+1; // increments the value of k by 1
Following are the description of Statement.
- Declared a variable "total" and "k" of the "integer " type initialized the total to 0 and "k" to 1.
- Iterating the while loop for less then 50 .In this loop, we calculating the sum of square of first 50 number in the "total" variable .
- After that increment the value of "k" variable by 1 to execute the loop less then 50 .
The answer is one ☝️ question for the poll of a vote
struct node{
student data;
node* next;
The above written is the segment of code is the structure of node of the linked list.The data of the node is type student.So the data of the node of the linked list will consist of the student details and the next is the pointer which holds the address of the next node.