She went to Florida is the simple subject
The best situation for the example in our daily lives would be that every purchase you make at a chain store is sale that a local small business misses out on.
Zero- sum is a circumstance in game hypothesis in which one individual's gain is identical to another's misfortune. A zero- sum game in this instance speaks to the accompanying circumstance: if the amount of sales increments for a chain store, at that point the measure of sales will similarly diminish in a little store
The answer is C I hope I’m not too late
I did not touch a hair on his head.
Gender roles: lead to toxic masculinity and putting down women among other things
racial and ethnic stereotypes: cause racial disparities, hate crimes, etc.
diet culture: leads to eating disorders and poor body images
, the two-party system (democrats v. republicans): limits the actual variety of ppl running for office