You can take your time on tests, and when you're done check you're answer. You can read your essays backwards(when you do this your brain pays more attention because it is doing something different). You can finish work on time. You can ask for extra credit options. You can study for tests everyday(if you study before you go to sleep it helps you remember what you need to).
It means he was happy and felt good in his heart. You know when you see or do something like buy your mom a gift she loves and your heart seems to feel like it is filled with happiness? That's the feeling that I believe William Wordsworth is trying to express.
Hope this helped. Have a great day!
J. descriptions of her actions that are criticized by her husbands.
Christine Stansell has tried to structure her text in a way to portray the descriptions of Elizabeth's actions. Her husband always criticizes her and never lets her feel appreciated. He always makes her down by simply criticizing her and she has not been able to become successful in her life and has not achieved anything in her life by her own.
this ;demonstrative
those ;d</span>emonstrative<span>
what ;interrogative
</span>we ;personal<span>
myself ;</span>reflexive <span>
anybody;</span>indefinite <span>