because when talking about sensitive topics like death, love, body processes, anything they might not want to speak of directly.
hope this helps :-)
Because the context of what your speaking about is already given. Your just putting it into your own words.
The following conversation is acceptable.
Squilliam- "Hello James, It has been a while"
James- "Hello Squilliam, nice to see you recovered from that horrible incident"
Squilliam- "yes, it is isn't it"
James- "I like the outfit, but this is isn't a fancy dress party"
Squilliam- "Oh it isn't? Then why did you come dressed like a home less man?"
James- "Very funny Squilliam, any marriages you want to ruin again? or was that just for last year?"
Squilliam- "I don't know James, any houses you want to burn down? Or was mine enough for you?"
Cyber bullying is a form of bulling that is happing online. Some of the effects of cyberbullying include depression of the person getting bullied, and a loss of self esteam. One way to prevent it is by spreading positive messages online and encouraging others to be kind online.
248 • 3 is 744 if you use a calculator