In this busy lives of ours stress always striks. Thats why it is always important to eat a healthy and nutritios diet. And thats why teenagers are offering nutritious diet schemes and offers.
so it is important to have a nutritious diet because it hellllllllllppppppps! In every book every science class during conversations we get a topic that is about help. So, to keep fit and healthy and staw away from a felling known as stress.
So, yes as i said before tennagers are offering these sorts of diets as it helps to stay fit.
The underlying universal message of a text is the theme.
The theme is a big idea, something that you can learn about life in general.
Here are some examples of themes found in literature:
Love, such as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, a tragic tale of forbidden love with terrible consequences.
Death, The Fault in Our Stars features teenage characters coming to terms with their mortality in the face of terminal illness.
Good vs. evil, The Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis', follows four siblings who pass into an entirely new world, in which they encounter characters both good (Aslan) and evil (The White Witch)
An expectant father waits to learn the outcome of his wife’s labor and delivery. In his brief exchanges with another father-to-be the reader is apprised of Mr. Knechtmann’s history. He and his wife are holocaust survivors; their only prior child died in a displaced-person’s camp in Germany--and there is no one to carry on the proud family name if this infant is not healthy. A bored nurse comes to inform Heinz that he has a son and everyone is well.