Soliloquy- an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play.
Ingenious- of a person or action) innocent and unsuspecting
It is either one of those not quite sure but I hope I helped a bit!
Answer: 2 and 3 are metaphors! hope this helps :)
In terms of concussion rates per 1000 exposures, the girls' high school sports with the highest rates of concussions are soccer (0.36), basketball (up to 0.21), and lacrosse (0.20).
Answer and Explanation:
Since your question does not present any options to choose from, I'll answer based on my knowledge of the story.
<u>In the short story "To Build a Fire", by Jack London, the immediate danger that concerns the man is freezing to death.</u> The character of the story has ignored a warning an old man gave him about roaming in the forest by himself when the cold weather is harsh. He chose to trust his abilities against nature, only to be humbled by it. The man did not have the knowledge, wisdom, and capacity to survive in the wild. The freezing temperatures were going to kill him if he didn't build a fire to keep himself warm. Even the dog that accompanies the man knew that, and couldn't seem to understand why the man wouldn't do it. However, when the man finally realized the urgent need for fire, he was not able to start one, and ended up dying. That is indeed a common theme in Jack London's work - the survival of the fittest. Had the man been smarter or stronger, he would have survived.