Los zoológicos humanos, también llamados exposiciones etnológicas, eran exposiciones públicas de humanos de los siglos XIX y XX, generalmente en un estado "natural" o "primitivo" erróneamente etiquetado. Los zoológicos humanos de un solo hombre también existieron ya en el siglo XVII en Londres. Las exhibiciones a menudo enfatizaban las diferencias culturales entre los europeos de la civilización occidental y los pueblos no europeos o con otros europeos que practicaban un estilo de vida considerado más primitivo. Algunos de ellos ubicaron a las poblaciones indígenas en un continuo entre los grandes simios y los europeos.
The death of archduke Francis Ferdinand of Hungary was the initial cause of ww1. However there was a build up to ww1. Countries had new powerful weapons and wanted to capitalise on this. The navy’s of many countries were being expanded. Political disagreements between countries led to increased tensions.
Answer: in relation to medieval society and psychology, renaissance constitutes counter-movement. So, if Middle Ages are introverted, Renaissance is extraverted. If Middle Ages are theocentric, Renaissance is anthropocentric. If Middle Ages are totally European (with an exception of Crusades), Renaissance transcends Europe and becames more cosmopolitan. The same is true in science. Renaissance science is extraverted is looking for God not in heavens but in the nature ! It is able to experiment and think outside the box.
Explanation: Renaissance is a revolutionary time in all respects.
One of the most outstanding points in West African history is how geography was influential in the development of this region.
When researching the history of West Africa we can see how the geography of a place is important in the development and relationships that this place presents. This is because the geography of West Africa determined how the population would grow, causing the most populous and most influential villages to settle in the south of the Sahara desert. This happened because this region had a more fertile and well-structured soil for agriculture. These villages, therefore, had good agricultural products because they could establish an exchange trade with the villages that had another type of product.
In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt the pharaoh and those associated with divinity were at the top, and servants and slaves made up the bottom. The Egyptians also elevated some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. They had absolute power over their subjects.