i did a _________ test today and i failed. i apologize for failing the _____ test.I really tried my best on this test.i was really overwhelmed and i know it was a very big part of my grade.
sorry if its bad i dont have a dad. I dident end it beacuse usually i would say "i will ask my teacher if i can redo it and i wil study for a better grade" but i dont know if its the kind of test you can redo.
The test I took didn’t really turn out well, I understand that it’s upsetting but please hear me out. First, the questions were extremely hard, no matter what answer I put it always seemed to be the wrong one. Secondly, the teacher wouldn’t help when I asked for help, which is made me extremely upset since I felt like I couldn’t even ask for help. Lastly the teacher didn’t even give me resources to practice for the test, I know that homework an be used to study but the questions weren’t anything like the homework. The teacher said it would be like the homework, which it wasn’t. I hope you understand.