This startle reflex (aka moro reflex) is/was present in us as newborns.
It's triggered when there's an unexpected reaction. Example: Loud noise, sudden movement.
The baby will tighten his/her body, fling out arms, sort of like giving him/herself a hug. It happens because the baby is trying to protect itself from harm.
It normally leaves thanks to the mother's care, normally 6 weeks after the newborn is born.
ECM is the extracellular matrix, or the set of extracellular molecules secreted by cells with the purpose to support surrounding cells. In plants the cell wall is the ECM and in mammals ECM can be in the form of fibrils and may constitute a significant portion of the bulk of the organism and it also referred as connective tissue.
wax always melts in high temperatures
A veterinarian wrote an article stating his disapproval of some of the tactics used to breed pedigree dogs. He stated that pedigree dogs can be healthy, but because of inbreeding, they’re more likely to have health problems than other dogs. The author supported his statement with scientific studies.
A breeder with 20 years of experience wrote an article that was pro-breeding. He talked about his own success and shared his opinions on proper breeding techniques. Because the veterinarian used scientific facts to support his reasoning, his article seemed more scientifically credible to me.