What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)
What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)What are the six areas of enculturation learned through a person's lifetime? (site 2)
Individual's ownership of land affect people’s attitudes toward management of the natural environment and connections might exist between poverty in a society and degradation of the natural environment is discussed below in details.
- Poverty often causes people to put comparatively more burden on the environment which appears in more extended families due to high death rates and uncertainty, irregular human waste dumping leading to unsanitary living situations, more stress on frail land to meet their requirements, over-exploitation of natural reserves more deforestation.
- Lacking information about agricultural methods can also head to decay in crop yield and fertility etc.
1, centralized under the military.
Franco created a repressive military dictatorship and named himself "El Caudillo".
It proved a strong fighting spirit can make a difference