1 Goods being transported
2 different empires
3 where the goods are coming from
Yes aids had done more harm than good. The reason why because people in Africa didn't have aids and when aids started to spread around the whole world the Africa gotten so sick they started to die.
This problem should be worked on by the most developed countries as they have the biggest capacity, and after they get on the right way to help the developing countries and show them the way as to how to do it as well.
The carbon emissions that humanity is releasing into the atmosphere can not be attributed to only a few countries, but to most of the countries in the world. All countries that have some kind of industry contribute to the problem, though some countries much more than others.
In order for carbon emissions to decrease there should be a global collaboration. The most developed countries because they have the most finances and resources should lead the way and come up with solutions, and once they do this to help the developing countries with it so that they can also stop the carbon emissions.
Many countries are already on the right path, namely Germany, the Netherlands, France, the Scandinavian countries. The two biggest economies though, the US and China don't even want to hear about this because of their race for economic dominance, so it seems that reasoning the governments of these two countries will be the most important step for global turnaround.
Land value can mean very different thinks but it terms of this context they are talking about its worth. they are not gonna stack concrete building on a good piece of land that can be used for farming. Due to the fact that it is a urban area they make Ignore a golf course or some type of nature reserve so the land isn't harmed but instead put to good use.