Executive Order 8802 was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 25, 1941, to prohibit ethnic or racial discrimination in the nation's defense industry. ... Many citizens of Italian or German ethnicity were affected by World War II and this was impeding the war effort and lowering morale.
According to the Constitution, the Russian Federation is divided into 85 federal subjects (constituent units), 22 of which are "republics". Most of the republics represent areas of non-Russian ethnicity, although there are several republics with Russian majority. The indigenous ethnic group of a republic that gives it its name is referred to as the "titular nationality". Due to decades (in some cases centuries) of internal migration inside Russia, each nationality is not necessarily a majority of a republic's population.
Hernan Cortes was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that conquered the Aztec Empire and imperialized large parts of Mexico. Cortes conquered modern day Mexico on behalf of the Spanish kingdom of King of Castille in the 16th century. Cortes was a part of the early colonizers from the Spain who conquered and colonized large swaths of the Americas. The Spanish conquered enormous swaths of Latin and South America and the effects of this colonization can still be seen in the language, culture, and lifestyle of this region.
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~I hope I helped you! :)~
political map
all of the state lines are there