I don't know what came over me. After weeks of seeing her be put on a pedestal for the most mundane of tasks, and knowing I was pushed off to the side, a form of jealousy ran over me. Through my veins and soul, like a forest-fire that wiped out anything and everything. I was both the fire, and the forest in that moment. There was no blood-shed, just a bit of yelling. I'd change it if I could, I'd change everything if I had that power.
If I were to give my past self a bit of advice, know that it's not her fault. It's nobody's fault, but with actions come consequences. Throughout this little writing assignment, I've come to the realization that sometimes things happen. Sometimes your rose-colored glasses over your own judgement shatter all along the floor in tiny shards.
Who's to blame? It depends what you mean. For my own emotions? Nobody, absolutely nobody is to blame for that. For what happened? Myself. That's okay, though. The fire in my soul has died down into ash and dust, and the forest-fire is long-gone.
The most important theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is the book’s exploration of the moral nature of human beings—that is, whether people are essentially good or essentially evil. The novel approaches this question by dramatizing Scout and Jem’s transition from a perspective of childhood innocence
Teamwork is a very important thing when it comes to big or large tasks. You can split things up between each other. It can always lighten up the load. I know this becuase when my friends or I have a story that we have trouble on. We go to each other and we split up the chapters or the characters or whatever part we are having trouble with. It always makes things easier and helps us make the deadline we have for are selves or the actual deadline.
I hope this helps
A foil in literature describes a character who contrasts with another character in order to make comparisons and highlight certain traits between these two persons.
Both Melantho and Eurycleia are servants of Odysseus. While Melantho is unloyal, (sleeping with the suitors while Odysseus is away) and treating him rudely when he returns disguised as a beggar, Eurycleia remains devoted and kind. Melantho is used as a foil for Eurycleia to showcase her good traits.