Tropical rain forest are one of the important biomes of the world that is characterized by a short or no dry season and a precipitation of overall 60 mm each month. They are also known as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest. If we talk about location, they mostly are found between fall between the Tropic of Cancer and the Capricorn since they lie near to equator and they receive sufficient amount of sunshine and rain.
Due to their location near the equators, they receive greater amount of sunshine than other biomes and when sunshine is greater the rate of water evaporation is also greater that results in more rainfall.
Hope it help!
So every organism is individually classified without the worry of mixing up two organisms like a fly and nat.
Yes it is true because after many years of water or wind eroding away at the rock will cause it to break up into tiny pieces
Did you remind<span> the </span>predicted phenotype ratio<span> and </span>children<span> of </span>dihybrid parents<span> that are </span>both right-handed<span> and </span>posses free ear lobes<span> - 2159873.</span>
This condition is known as lymphadema. After surgical removal of chain lymph nodes has occurred, the excess of lymph fluids in the lymph vessels might not find its way to the bloodstream as a result of being blocked or other reasons, and hence localized swelling in that area occurs as a result of addition of the fluids. In most cases, lymphadema affects only a single arm or leg, and is commonly brought on by cancer treatment that involves damging or removing lymph nodes.