The Missing Colony's name was Roanoke.
The Virginia Company was in search of economic opportunity. They expected to profit from mineral wealth such as gold and iron ore, timber and wood products and other natural resources. They also hoped to find a Northwest Passage or sail- ing route to the Orient for trade.
The ocean and atmosphere are connected. They work together to move heat and fresh water across the globe. Wind-driven and ocean-current circulations move warm water toward the poles and colder water toward the equator. The ocean can store much more heat than the land surfaces on the Earth. The majority of the thermal energy at the Earth’s surface is stored in the ocean. Thus, the absorption and movement of energy on the Earth is related to the ocean-atmosphere system.
tinaaa I'm missing u please come back, I'm crying
A.Those living outside the city felt they were not being represented.
C.English speakers were worried French speakers would be favored.
E.The city was seen as a Creole capital, which worried rural non-Creoles.