(A) huge, carved stone heads
Aztec is most well-known for their sculptures and metalwork, though the latter hasn't survived to the modern era as well as the former. Many of Aztec's sculptures are gigantic in size, depicting the deities that Aztecs worshiped. The sculptures are usually very colorful and are usually encrusted with precious jewels.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries organized an oil embargo against the United States.
Most people know this as the (OPEC).
Marxism saw history as a series of class struggles.
The intent for the separation of powers is to prevent the concentration of power and provide for checks and balances.
They may base events from history on periods of time using a certain theme, so to say. This way, it allows them to organize information in a chronological order and base events on how severe they were and what led up to the most significant event in that time period, because a turning point is basically the most important part in a time period which initiated change. This also emphasizes on the importance of transitions.