When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, this case a big issue. When she did not follow the orders she was later arrested. News soon spred about Rosa Park's arrest.
Martin Luther King Jr. came later and helped to orginize the Mintgomery Bus Boycott. For over a year a lot of African Americans walked everywhere instead of taking the bus. Later the bus drives would be forced to intograte their bus.
The government was organized with three branches. Legislative, judicial, and executive.
Legislative: Congress such as the senate and house of representatives who makes laws.
Executive: The president and the vice president (some times the cabinet) who carries out those laws.
Judicial: Federal courts and the Supreme court who interprets the laws.
Luke's conflict-handling intention is called Avoiding.
- In the given case, Luke is trying to avoid a conflict with his cubicle neighbor Leia.
- Avoiding is simply means to keep away from a potential conflict situation.
- Although avoiding conflict can be used to suppress unpleasant encounter, this can have serious problem in future.
- In this case, there is possibility of development of social anxiety in Luke.
- The anger may come to surface with another person. Sometimes, it is better to solve the problem facing a conflict rather than avoiding for the betterment of both parties.
Since January of 2009, Barack H. Obama has been President of the US.
If he remains physically and mentally able, and doesn't resign the position,
he will remain in office until the winner of the November 2016 Presidential
election is inaugurated in January of 2017.
The Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights prohibits any form of unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that no police officer or law enforcement can come into your home or ask for anything without a warrant.
So for this answer, it would most likely be:
B. The police do not become powerful at the expense of citizens' rights.