The gopher, who is eating holes in my lawn, is a jolly nuisance.
the tone of the passage is serious!
Alice is clearly sharing how she feels about what's going on showing she is serious..
A poem indeed can have an AABB rhyme scheme, there is no rules to rhyming poems (except that it needs to rhyme with a flow). Yes a 3 stanza poem can have an AABB rhyme scheme for example...
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Upon a nice mid-spring day
Let's take a look at Nature's way
Breathe the scent of nice fresh air
Feel the breeze within your hair
Hi Aarroy,
Who is your favorite fictional character? It doesn't have to be someone from a classic novel unless your teacher specified. It can be a character from a movie you love etc.
In order to write a "descriptive" paragraph, all you have to do is describe the character you choose using vivid language. For instance, if I was writing about Darcy from Pride and Prejudice I could write;
<em>"He has silvery blue eyes and an intimdating stature."</em> etc.
Just write about your character's appearance as well as his personality.
Metaphors are comparisons that do NOT use <u>like</u> or <u>as</u>. For instance, I could write:
<em>"Darcy's personality is an onion; with an outward appearance that first appears cold but whose inner layers reveal his insecure and fragile nature."</em>
I know that sounds like a mouthful, but I am comparing Darcy's personality to an onion without using like or as, which is a metpahor.