Tropical evergreen forests are usually found in areas receiving more than 234 cm of rainfall and having a monthly mean temperature of 20 °C or higher in the coldest months. They occupy about seven percent of the Earth's surface and harbour more than half of the planet's terrestrial plants and animals. Tropical evergreen forests are dense, multi-layered, and harbour many types of plants and animals. These forests are found in the areas receiving heavy rainfall (more than 200 cm annual rainfall). They are very dense. Even the sunlight does not reach the ground. Numerous species of trees are found in these forests. Different types of trees shed their leaves at different times of the year. Therefore, these forests always appear green and are known as evergreen forests. These forests are found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, along with the slopes of the Western Ghats and parts of Northeastern states of Assam, West Bengal and Odisha. These areas experience hot and humid climate with the short dry season. The important trees of these forests are rosewood, ebony and mahogany.
Equatorial evergreen forest is considered to be impenetrable because it does not allow sunlight to reach ground. Tropical evergreen forests are dense, multi-layered, and harbour many types of plants and animals.
Option C
The peer review process, in which scientists submit write-ups of their ideas and experiments to a set of colleagues who judge how good the ideas are before the ideas can be published, is: A useful and important, even if imperfect, mechanism of quality-control for the scientific literature
The peer-review practice endures to approve scholarly work, accommodates to enhance the worth of proclaimed research, and builds networking circumstances in research areas. Notwithstanding critiques, peer review is yet the unique internationally affirmed system for research validation.
Peer review guarantees that documents undergo a fair evaluation and skillful opinion, enabling scholars to develop their script and therefore high-quality experimental interpretation and articles to be proclaimed. It also encourages the browsers to believe the scientific uprightness of the report and to present notified declarations where peer reviewer comments are ready.
They were isolated for 2 basic reasons.One was the hilly geography of Greece,
this natural setting spawned several isolated communities.Then the second reason was because that these communities grew into city-states with the dominant community ruling the smaller ones