Ram - Hi
Suriya - Hallo!
ram - how are you?
suriya - fine. how are you?
ram - fine
suriya - how is your new collage ?
ram - I love my collage. it's nice, my collage name is............................... collage. very nice education I got new friends
suriya - wow. nice
ram - how is your collage.?
suriya - the same nice very good education and very good teachers and friends
ram - OK bye! see you later
suriya - OK bye meet you
I would say that plate tectonics shows what the origin of volcanic activity, earthquakes and mountains comes from their collision or subduction. Where two plates collide mountains can be formed (uplift), where subduction occurs then volcanic activity like in the circum-pacific belt occurs and where stresses build up in subduction or transform fault (like the San Andreas Fault) and are suddenly released, earthquakes are the result. Subduction is where the oceanic plate gets pushed under the continental plate.
Throughout the novel there are circumstances in which Gatsby shows he is modern such as his clothes, his car and even his house. These are all things that are different from other for example Tom who is old fashioned and the opposite of Gatsby.