According to Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, a child who expresses a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and is inflexible is a slow-to-warm-up child.
The term slow-to-warm-up children is used to denote children who are uneasy or cautious in new situations or with unfamiliar people and may have a difficult time with changes like a new child care provider, for example.
It limited the freedom of nonwhite citizens movement, It also created separate residential and business districts, And lastly It forced the relocation of black residents to rural homelands.
Panche Baja is mostly used to mark auspicious social occasions, the popular among which is obviously wedding ceremonies. Led by the Panche Baja troupe, Janti, a procession, leaves from the groom's house to the bride's House
if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.
The representative's bias
Representatives bias is a cognitive bias. In this bias, an individual will categories the situation on the bases of the previous experience. It is very useful when a person wants to take a quick decision. But it is limited for those who are stereotyped. It includes many representative heuristic biases.
Thus here in the above statement, John gets to know about Michelle who is blonde hair, likes the beach and lived in Newyork. John assumes that she is from California because 85% of students were from California. This is the best example of representative bias