D Rural areas traditionally have been inhabited by wealthy people who do not need benefits
El Paleozoico se divide en seis períodos: Cámbrico (la vida animal florece en los mares), Ordovícico (dominan los invertebrados), Silúrico (primer animal de respiración aérea), Devónico (aparecen peces con escamas duras y los anfibios), Carbonífero (aparecen grandes bosques de helechos, primeros reptiles etc,
League of United Latin American Citizens
Workers formed unions in the late 19th century to get higher wages shorter work hours and a 5 day work a week
The Battle of the Argonne Forest was a World War I military engagement, fought between the American Expeditionary Force and the German Imperial Army, from September 26 to November 11, 1918, in the forest of Argonne, on the Meuse River, northeastern France.
Answer: the American expeditionary force