The adjective. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. It's how we know the woman was gorgeous or the sunset was glittering. (However, it's worth noting that while all adjectives are descriptive words, not all descriptive words are adjectives.) The best way to expand our adjectival knowledge is to pick up a book and read. In the meantime, let's prime the pump with this list of adjectives:
The Northern states believed that owning people (slaves) was wrong so they wanted to put a stop to it but the southern states refused because they saw slavery as a gain because they wouldn't have to pay the slaves that work for them. So the 2 sides despised each other which led up to the war
While other ancient religions expressed their theology in terms of myths, the religion of the Old Testament expressed theology in terms of literature.
The Old Testament is a magnificent collection of literary works: narrative books, historical records, wisdom poetry and prose, and prophetic books.
World War I changed the way wars were fought because of the widely known trench warfare. Because troops inside the trenches were much more protected than troops outside, it led to much more prolonged battles.
Any answer choices? It's hard to help without them.