sorry but i like poems, dont know that word btw, again sorry.
Always had a feeling
My mind was
always reeling.
I always had
these thoughts,
everything seemed so sad.
It kinda made me mad.
Never did you think
i would be like this,
even in a wink.
I just want
to fight
all of this.
Never had the right.
Always in the dark.
Never saw the light
always was the shadow
even in the night,
couldn't see light
and that didn't feel right.
I wanna make this happen.
All i want is to be
The colors (Darker colors in the back, lighter colors in the front), and shadows (Add depth).
Blurring and adds depth to flat designs
I can’t draw very good my art is only good when i’m high
Hatching is a technique used by artists to create tonal or shading effects in their drawings. Cross hatching and contour hatching are two of the 6 basic hatching techniques. Cross hatching uses <span>fine parallel lines drawn closely together to create the illusion of shade or texture in a </span>drawing. A<span>fter laying down one pass of hatch marks, another set of hatch marks are drawn on top, usually in a perpendicular or near-perpendicular direction to the first set. </span>While in contour hatching<span> there is only one set of hatch marks, and these are lines follow the contours of the subject. </span>