crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
They compare quantities for particular categories. View the frequency distribution graph about people who regularly use a specific cell phone app
Parent rock - Limestone
Metamorphic rock - Marble
Explanation: Marble is a metamorphic rock formed from when Limestone undergoes metamorphism, which occurs when they are subjected to high temperature and pressure. They contain calcite and minerals such as Mica, quartz and intergrowth of mineral crystal. They also react with hydrochloric acid. They do not have foliation. Marbles are generally used for sculpting and construction materials. They have an hardness of about 3 on the Mohr scale and feels gritty to touch
It is mainly about the geography
geographers seek to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time, also examining how human culture interacts with the environment, and they way locations and places can or have an impact on people.