Answer: D
Explanation: D is the best answer as no es divertida means not fun. If something isn’t fun, it would be boring. Aburrida means boring
Answer: Tengo un pez beta, se llama Fuego. Es rojo y azul, y le gusta esconderse en un castillo en su pecera. Es un pez pequeño y muy bonito. Su pecera tiene guijarros azules en el fondo. Fuego es un nadador rápido. También tiene trozos de algas verdes en su tanque. También tiene un cofre del tesoro.
I have a beta fish, it's name is Fuego. He is red and blue, and likes to hide in a castle in his fish tank. He is a small fish, and very pretty. His fish tank has blue pebbles on the bottom. Fuego is a fast swimmer. He also has green seaweed pieces in his tank too. He also has a treasure chest.
1. Pablo va a levantarse
2.tu vas acostarte
3.ella se va cambiar
4.las chicas se bañarán
Me llamo <em>Diana</em> and soy de <em>Virginia</em>. Yo voy a ir a <em>Peru</em> para las vacaciones y voy a visitar <em>Cañete</em> y a <em>Lima</em>. Voy a ir con mis amigos <em>Audrey</em> y <em>Alexander</em>. Una actividad que vamos a hacer es <em>ir a la playa en</em> Cañete. Cuando vayamos a Cañete el clima va ser bonito porque hace mucho sol y está fresco. Algunas preparaciones para el viaje son tener el pasaje listo y donde vamos a quedarnos. Las cosas que voy a llevar son ropa, cepillo de dientes, ropa de baño, bloqueador solar y una cámara. Estoy segura que me voy a divertir porque tengo a mis amigos quienes son super divertidos.
The Italics are just my examples by the way
3.- The narration usually includes descriptive and dialogue fragments. Identify these forms of elocution in texts II and III.
The first thing I learned, Your Majesty, is that there is no salvation for us until we step on solid ground. When our boat was wrecked on our first trip, I swam on a piece of wood until I reached a black island, with some of my companions. We all thanked God and started looking for fruit trees. As we did not find any, we went to the beach and pinned our hopes on a passing boat. Suddenly someone shouted: "The earth is moving." We staggered and fell to the ground in terror. Then another shouted: "The earth is sinking." He was diving into the water. Then we realized that what we had thought of as an island was nothing but the back of a whale. Naguib Mahfuz, The Nights of the Thousand and One Nights (Adaptation)
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