I could be a woman thinking a soldier for Service that he’s done to help her and maybe her kids
Fusion Cuisine
The reason American Culinary tradition is referred to as Fusion Cuisine is that it has evolved to include several components from the cuisine of immigrant groups.
search up te title and page number
1 chief legislator
2. Chief executive
3 Commander in Chief
4Chief of state Diplomat
5 Party leader
6. Chief citizen
As chief legislator he is in charge of carrying out laws passed by Congress. This is the most important role and should take up 35%. As chief executive he acts as head of state and appoints heads of federal agencies. This should be 25%. As Commander in Chief of the armed forces he is in charge of the nation's military. He sends the military to troubled areas around the world. This should be 15%. As chief diplomat he plays the role of carrying out the nation's foreign policy. He overseas the execution. He calls for peace in troubled regions. This should be 10%. As party leader, the president supports the party's platform,raises money for the party, and campaigns for the party. This should be 10%. As chief citizen he is a representative of the people. This should be 5%>