That can be true. Everyone (mother) is different. That usually goes away after nursing for awhile.
The insecticide must have contain strong, active chemicals that are poisonous and harmful to owls which resulted in their demise while on the other hand, grass hopper or mice may be resistant/ or tolerant to that chemicals that's why it don't have effect on them.
It would be easier to put an image instead of explaining it. Here you are!
R = Red
r = white
RR = 25% - 25% chance of red
Rr = 50% - 50% chance of pink
rr = 25% - 25% chance of white
The phenotype of antenna in crawfish depends on the protein amount in the antenna length. The offspring have different phenotype than their parent because of the amount of protein translated from each parent gene is determining in this.
The gene determines the amount of protein to be present in the antenna to determine its length.
Data given:
Two crawfish parent = medium length antennae, genotyoe Ll
One offspring = short antenna, genotype ll
one offspring = long antennae, genotype LL
The traits in offspring is shown as:
L l
l Ll ll
The proportion of allele present in the gene determined the length of the antenna in crawfish.
The difference in length of the antenna in crawfish is due to the amount of protein for the phenotype present in the individual. The amount of protein to be expressed in the crawfish is given by both the parents. The tendency of protein expresed define the phenotype of antenna length.