Proximodistal Pattern
The tendency for more general functions of limbs to develop before more specific or fine motor skills.Proximodistal is coined from two Latin words which are Proxim which means close and dis which means away from due to the fact that the trend essentially describes a path from the center outward.
Natalie random hand movement at the age of two months without proper dexterity and grabbing a whole block at the age of six with a proper coordination of the muscles clearly illustrates Proximodistal pattern and comfirms to it's defination.
Economic Risk: She may not be able to pay her bills and end up in debt.
Economic Benefit: She may have a better future than before. And also try a part-time job.
Even if Luisa has less money and time than before, going back to school is definitely the best option. Invest in a future to get a better job, and a better future as well. Study is the best option for her.
Seth is competitive, hard-driving, impatient, and easily angered individuals as Type A personalities.
A is False. You have to be a citizen for 3 years, but you do not have to be a natural-born citizen.
D is also false, you can get voted in even if you don't have the same political views as the majority. Granted, it would be harder, but it's still possible.
B and C are true, although in some states the requirement is 30 yrs old I think