A huge dust storm that caused dry soil to blow, creating a 'black blizzard'
CS, Placebo effect
The conditioned stimulus is a term that is used in classical conditioning by Pavlov. According to too the above statement, Habitual coffee drinkers conditioned with the smell, taste and the sight of coffee. It happened because they are classically conditioned by the stimulus. So that when they have provided a decaffeinated coffee in the form of placebo even after the habitual coffee drinker feels the same taste, smell, and sight of decaffeinated coffee.
This placebo coffee misses the active ingredients of the coffee particles. Habitual drinker feels the same arousal and the alertness because they are classically conditioned with coffee. In this procedure, the coffee plays a role of classically conditioned stimulus whereas the response is called a placebo effect.
Gender: everyone is born either as a male or transgender or female . our society labels the male children as boys while labeling our females as girls. Our environment socializes these children in to defined socially constructed and concerted roles, expectations, behaviors and attitudes for each gender.
Gender roles are are actually constructed and defined and upheld by the society, there is no scientific information to demonstrate social constructs, because either men or women can always exchange the roles and general duties or anyone can express masculine or feminine characteristics.
Women are generally assigned to lesser demanding or demeaning roles and and also socialized to behave in submissive and childlike and graceful behavior. meanwhile ,the men are socialized to be the bread winners, to be authoritative, strong and aggressive(park,1986).