Last option sorry if it’s wrong bae
Answer: Decreases
The amount of sodium in the blood will increase as the main function of the negative feedback is to maintain the homeostasis inside the body.
If blood pressure is too high, then heart rate decreases because of this the blood vessels increases in the diameter and the kidney retains less water.
These changes will return the blood pressure to be normal. The same process gets reversed when the blood pressure decreases.
Nerve cells release chemical signals into synapses between them (short distance). They also transverse their lengths with an electrical signal that can result in signal travel along a series of cells (long distance).
Nerve cells release neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft which are capable of affecting nearby cells such as other nerve cells and muscle cells. Neurotransmitter molecules include, among others, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine. Moreover, the synaptic cleft is the space that separates a neuron cell and its target cell. On the other hand, neurons transmit signals through electrical impulses. Electrical impulses travel long distances in the body carried by axons of the nerves. Thus, nerve impulses connect the brain and spinal cord and they carry signals to different parts of the body.
Complete digestion of food takes place in the intestine. Various enzymes present in the intestine act on food and digested food gets absorbed. Typhlosole increases the absorption surface of the intestine.13
The correct options are:
The organism would not grow.
If an organism were cut or burned, the damaged area would not heal.
The organism would not produce new cells.
The mitosis is essential for the division of the cells. The division of the cells allow the organism to grow and heal the damaged cells. The division of the cells replace the old cells and multiply the number of the cells in an organism. hence, in any condition, the organism would be affected and in the absence of the mitosis, the organism cannot heal and cannot grow, due to non-production of new cells.